Background on the Advanced Analytics Laboratory

  • Laboratory was established in 2013 to support realistic learning experiences in the field of analytics (Significant support has been provided by the SAS Institute, partner companies, and alumni)
  • Integral part of the collaborative "ecosystem model" with the Industrial and Systems Engineering Department's programs and curricula
  • Leverages the Enterprise Systems Center's existing strong collaborative relationship with industry and government partners (1,100 industry projects with over 400 industry partnerships)


Analytics Research and Industry Project Work Area

  • Open concept team orientated workspace (All levels of participants freely interact: for example, undergraduate and graduate students, mentors faculty and industry partners)
  • Access to ample communication and computational resources (on-site and remote)


Project Work Stations and Instructional Development Area

  • Design and pilot new educational content
  • Focus on the utilization of SAS software tools (undergraduate beginning with sophomore and continuing through graduate level, including college-wide engineering minor program)



  • Student interact via teleconference with industrial partners (frequent communication with clients during project execution and final project presentations)
  • Classmates, faculty, and mentors observe, learn and evaluate team presentations